At Fountain Primary School we aim to keep all our children as safe and secure as possible. Child Protection is very important to us all.
Designated Safeguarding Staff in School:
Mrs E Walker, Mrs F Peel and Mrs N McInerey
Further information about safeguarding children in Leeds can be found using the links on the right of this page.
The Prevent Team provides people with knowledge of how to notice the signs of radicalisation and where to go for support. There are also links to very useful documents as well as information on the Channel programme that we hope people find useful.
Online Safety and Bullying
Children and young people spend a lot of time online and may face risks such as online bullying or being exposed to inappropriate content.
Whether you're unsure about what happens online or are familiar with new technology, it's important that you talk to your child about staying safe.
It may feel daunting, but you don't need to be an expert on the internet. Understanding what children do online and the risks they face will help you keep your child safe online. has lots of information to support you in keeping your child safe.
The leaflet below is written by our Pupil Parliament about our Behaviour policy and how we prevent Bullying at Fountain.